We downloaded sound effects and background sounds to our movie using Garage band, first by downloading the relevant tracks to itunes and imported them to to Adobe Premiere Pro. We first discussed which sound would fit in with which clip without it seeming unconventional, cliche or awkward to cut. The fade tool was very useful in creating are soundtrack as we wanted it to seem as smoothe as possible. None of us had used the sound software so it did take a while to get the hang of it, we debated which sound loops where most suited as there where multiple for each mood. Although it was tricky we managed to complete it in a decent time, although we did take longer in a certain scene where the victim (Izzy) gets taken. We where unsure if we should use a scream as a recognition to her friends that she has been murdered, or the attackers voice or even the dropping of weapons. We branched out on other free sites for a better variety of choice but and when applying each to the clip, we realised that the only realistic scream was too long, the dropping of a weapon sounded like it was inside the cabin rather then out but the sound loop of the killer laughing at his sick antics, really fit the scene well. We used an acoustic sound to be used at the start of the sequence inside the cabin when everything seems fine, making it light hearted, sweet and innocent, but the classical scent made it have a creepy twist.
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