Art Of The Title
An Education (2009) The opening sequences using animation as well as real life images, types of animation used are related to 'Education' such as maths angles, shapes, science equipment, skipping ropes, textiles, paper shapes, music notes, bar charts etc. These are used by themselves at the start of the sequence, using white outlines on a black background. However they start to use fade and overlapping techniques with real life images. The fact that the animation looks drawn makes it seem a lot more creative and suitable for a younger audience. The real life images used are girls of around the age 15, doing formal ballroom dancing with partners, placing books on there head as an elocution lesson, playing lacrosse, cooking and many more. The pupils are showing typical pupil characteristics, having fun in the playground and looking bored and hopeless in lessons. The music is very upbeat high pitched and used drums and trumpets in a very repetitive, positive and almost comedic light. The titles are placed in different areas of the screen making it less predictable and more dynamic. The sequence looks like it is set in a Grammar School in the 60's due to the uniform and activities shown on screen, the music and the realistic attitudes make the genre comical.
Signs 2002: Sound
The music is very important in this sequence, at the start it is silent, introducing the main actors of the film. However it quickly starts being powerful, with sound of the violin, this transition is made through a fade to black. It is very fast paced, as though they are on a mission or there is a mystery. Especially in the middle of the sequence, the more deviant notes are represented with a change of title, keeping up the tension and making it flow. The font is black, in a simple but bold and sharp format. The simplicity of it matches the genre of horror or an old fashioned action film.
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